Xīn Shēng Project (formerly WeChat Project) provides alternative, progressive perspectives on the most widely circulated issues on WeChat and beyond: affirmative action, policing, systemic racism, LGBTQ+ issues, and more. Our bilingual articles cross the language, generational, cultural, and informational barriers within our community and families.
Through our work, we hope to find new ways for the Chinese diaspora to relate to the struggles of all marginalized peoples.
Xinsheng (心声) Project 为微信上流传最广的议题提供了进步的,不一样的观点。比如平权行动、警察暴力、系统性种族主义、LGBTQ+问题等等。我们的双语文章为我们的社区和家庭建立起跨越语言、代际、文化和知识鸿沟的桥梁。
Who is part of
Xīn Shēng | 心声 Project?
Xīn Shēng | 心声 Project (formerly the WeChat Project) was founded in 2020 by a group of 1.5-generation and later Chinese American college students and recent graduates. Our team has since expanded to include parents, international students, high schoolers, working professionals, and more. Some of us speak Mandarin, Cantonese, English, and other dialects. We are based out of the US, Canada, UK, Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere. We rely on one another — sharing our language and organizing skills, writing and design abilities, positionalities and lived experiences — in order to do what we do.
All of us help create content targeted to the specific needs of the Chinese diaspora. Whether our audience is first-generation immigrant parents on WeChat or later generations of Chinese diasporic peoples elsewhere online, we come together to connect with, share knowledge, and learn from others in the Chinese diasporic community.
Xinsheng (心声) Project是由一群第二代美籍华裔大学生在2020六月建立的。我们的团队现在已经拓展到包括许多家长、国际学生、高中生、上班族等等。我们会说普通话、粤语、英语,以及其他方言;我们覆盖了美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、新西兰,以及其他亚洲、欧洲等地。我们依赖着彼此来互相分享我们的语言,我们的组织能力,我们的写作设计能力,我们的亲生经历,然后以此来引导我们的下一步工作。